This page is a summary of our current ongoing projects.

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For Zero Revisions, the entire journey all started with designing shirts in a print shop about 15 years ago. And after getting a taste for it again designing clothes for hundreds of developers... we are currently working on a few hundred of the funniest, most clever, and colorful graphic tees you have ever seen.


Finding Valhalla

It was a bit easier believing in gods and realizing how vast, uncaring, and beautiful the universe is... when all you had to do was look up on a night with clear skies and see the cosmos with the naked eye. Since light pollution has made such a sight a commodity... we decided to bring it back into people's lives with a series of incredible nigh-sky photography from the very North of Norway.


The Zero Revisions blog

Musings, writings, and ponderings on creativity, design, strategy, and business. Original, evergreen in-depth, actionable blog posts, written by people, for people. In your inbox, a maximum of two times each month.

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